Irish Research Articles

Can we assume that a female listed in Griffith’s, as an occupier, was a widow?

This tip comes to us via Dennis Mulligan.
Here’s an article on Griffith’s Valuation and this subject.

The explanation in the article about female occupiers is somewhat roundabout. But the point it makes is that sometimes a widow will have “(widow)” appended to her name, especially if there is more than one woman with the same name in the same townland. The author suggests that if we see a woman “occupier” we should consider that she might be a widow or she might be the daughter of the previous “occupier.”

Tapestry of Life

– by Margaret Aldridge

These articles have appeared in the Ottawa Branch News, included is the publication reference.

Threads – A New Look at the Tapestry of Life – Volume 41, No. 5 

More Irish Threads – The weaving begins, a continued look at the tapestry of life. – Volume 42, No. 3 

More Irish Threads. The Weaving Begins To Take Shape – Volume 42, No. 5 

Irish Emigration

Here are some excellent stories of Irish Emigration from the Public Register Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI).


Here is the story of the Titanic’s build.

Ulster Covenant

From the Public Register Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI), search the Ulster Covenant.